The 1st US–Japan Workshop on Plasma Polarization Spectroscopy was held February 1–3, 1994, at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM. The second workshop was hosted by Kyoto University and convened January 26–28, 1998, in, Kyoto, Japan. The third workshop was held June 18–21, 2001, at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, U.S.A.
The purpose of the workshop was to review the current and assess future applications of polarization spectroscopy as a diagnostic tool for fusion plasmas in MFE and ICF, for short-pulse laser-generated plasmas, Z-pinch produced plasmas, electron-ion beam interactions, and for astrophysical sources.
The workshop addressed both experimental and theoretical issues pertaining to the emission of polarized radiation from plasmas. Topics were:
- A review of the plasma environments that create polarized ensembles of atoms, electrons, and ions resulting in polarized radiation
- Diagnostic techniques for identifying polarized radiation and plasma processes creating polarized ensembles
- Effects of magnetic and electric fields
- Assessment of relevancy to fusion energy plasmas
- A review of the current status of theories that describe the creation and destruction of ensembles of polarized atoms, electrons, and ions
- Needs for atomic data for proper descriptions of plasma polarization phenomena.
The Proceedings of our workshop have been printed as a University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory report. The .pdf file of the proceedings (ca 48 MB) is available for download.
In order of presentation (only presenter is listed)
"Plasma Polarization Spectroscopy---Past, Present and future Scope"
Takashi Fujimoto, Kyoto University, Japan
"Measurement of the degree of polarization of the spectra from laser produced Al plasmas"
Jaehoon Kim, POSTECH, South Korea
"Analysis of charge separation in neutral gas confined laser produced plasmas by polarization spectroscopy"
Yong Kim, Lehigh University, USA
"Density-Matrix description of Atomic Radiative Emission from Autoionizing States in Electric and Magnetic Fields"
Verne L. Jacobs, Naval Research Laboratory, USA
"Theoretical principals of spectropolarimetric sensing"
Alexander G. Petrashen, St. Petersburg, Russia
"Plasma Polarization Spectroscopy on Magnetic Confinement Plasmas and Population-Alignment Collisional-Radiative model"
Atsushi Iwamae
"Plasma Polarization Spectroscopy for the O V Ion: Relevant Collision Cross Sections and Kinetic Modeling"
George Csanak, LANL, USA
"Polarized X-ray satellite line emission in non-equilibrium, transient Si plasmas"
Roberto Mancini, University of Nevada, Reno, USA
"Quasiclassical Theory of Dielectronic Recombination in Plasmas"
Lyudmila Bureyeva, Scientific Council on Spectroscopy of the
RAS, Russia
"Relativistic Cross Sections for Excitation and Ionization of Ions by an Electron Beam and Applications to the Polarization of the Subsequent Radiation"
Douglas H Sampson, Pennsylvannia State University, USA
"The effect of polarization on electron impact excitation cross-section measurements using an EBIT source"
Hui Chen, LLNL, USA
"Determining the electron temperature in an EBIT using x-ray plasma polarization spectroscopy"
Peter Beiersdorfer, LLNL, USA
"Effect of Charge Exchange on Spectral Line Intensity of Multicharge Ions in Plasmas"
Lyudmila Bureyeva, Scientific Council on Spectroscopy of the
RAS, Russia
"Effect of Innershell Ionization on the Linear Polarization of Se XXV Lines"
Douglas H Sampson, Pennsylvannia State University, USA
"Measurement of polarization of atomic helium lines due to strong caviton fields caused by IREB-plasma interactions"
Masayuki Yoshikawa, University of Tsukuba, Japan
"Theoretical development of x-ray line polarization spectroscopy: polarization database and influence of magnetic fields"
Alla Shlyaptseva, University of Nevada Reno, USA
"Determination of the line emission locations in the LHD on the basis of the Zeeman effect"
Motoshi Goto, NIFS, Japan
Richard More, NIFS, Japan
"Plasma polarization spectroscopy in the tandem mirror GAMMA 10"
Masayuki Yoshikawa, University of Tsukuba, Japan
"Spectral Motional Stark Effect Measurements of Magnetic Field in Low-Field (< 0.5 T) Plasma Confinement Devices"
Daniel Den Hartog, University of Wisconsin, USA
"X-ray spectropolarimetry studies at the Nevada Terawatt Facility and LLNL EBIT"
Alla Shlyaptseva, University of Nevada Reno, USA
"An X-ray polarimeter based on quartz crystal"
Elena Baronova, RRC Kurchatov Institute, Russia
"Measurement of the Polarization of the Kß2 Line of heliumlike V21+"
Augustine Smith, Morehouse College, USA
"Some problems with determing the polarization of H-like ions"
Peter Beiersdorfer, LLNL, USA
"Plasma polarization spectroscopy in an optical field ionization plasma"
Tetsuya Kawachi, JAERI, Japan
"Electron collisions of highly excited atoms: Toward the population-alignment collisional-radiative model for recombining plasma"
Takashi Fujimoto, Kyoto University, Japan
"Quantitative spectropolarimetric sensing of the different ionized media"
Alexander G. Petrashen, St. Petersburg, Russia
"Characterization of large spherical crystals on optical contact"
Elena Baronova, RRC Kurchatov Institute, Russia
"Polarization studies in fast-ion beam spectroscopy"
Elmar Träbert, LLNL, USA
"Polarization measurements at EBIT using Calorimeter and Crystal Spectrometer data"
Paul Neill, University of Nevada, USA
8:15 - 9:00 Badging at West Badge Office, Registration in B219
9:15 - 9:30 Welcome (Beiersdorfer)
9:30-10:15 Session I (Fujimoto)
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-12:30 Session II (J. Kim, Y. Kim, Jacobs)
12:30-14:00 Lunch, email
14:00-16:00 Session III (Petrashen, Iwamaee, Csanak)
16:00-16:30 Break
16:30-19:30 Session IV (Mancini, Bureyeva; barbecue dinner provided)
Monday Talks
"Plasma Polarization Spectroscopy---Past, Present and future Scope"
Takashi Fujimoto, Kyoto University, Japan
"Measurement of the degree of polarization of the spectra from laser produced Al plasmas"
Jaehoon Kim, POSTECH, South Korea
"Analysis of charge separation in neutral gas confined laser produced plasmas by polarization spectroscopy"
Yong Kim, Lehigh University, USA
"Density-Matrix description of Atomic Radiative Emission from Autoionizing States in Electric and Magnetic Fields"
Verne L. Jacobs, Naval Research Laboratory, USA
"Theoretical principals of spectropolarimetric sensing"
Alexander G. Petrashen, St. Petersburg, Russia
"Plasma Polarization Spectroscopy on Magnetic Confinement Plasmas and Population-Alignment Collisional-Radiative model"
Atsushi Iwamae
"Plasma Polarization Spectroscopy for the O V Ion: Relevant Collision Cross Sections and Kinetic Modeling"
George Csanak, LANL, USA
"Polarized X-ray satellite line emission in non-equilibrium, transient Si plasmas"
Roberto Mancini, University of Nevada, Reno, USA
"Quasiclassical Theory of Dielectronic Recombination in Plasmas"
Lyudmila Bureyeva, Scientific Council on Spectroscopy of the
RAS, Russia
Barbecue dinner served in the park area across the street from B219.
9:00 - 10:30 Session I (Sampson, Chen)
10:30-10:50 Break
10:50-12:15 Session II (Beiersdorfer, Bureyeva, Sampson)
12:15-13:45 Lunch, email
13:45-15:40 Session III (Yoshikawa, Shlyaptseva, Goto)
15:40-16:00 Break
16:00-17:45 Session IV (More, Yoshikawa, Den Hartog)
Tuesday Talks
"Relativistic Cross Sections for Excitation and Ionization of Ions by an Electron Beam and Applications to the Polarization of the Subsequent Radiation"
Douglas H Sampson, Pennsylvannia State University, USA
"The effect of polarization on electron impact excitation cross-section measurements using an EBIT source"
Hui Chen, LLNL, USA
"Determining the electron temperature in an EBIT using x-ray plasma polarization spectroscopy"
Peter Beiersdorfer, LLNL, USA
"Effect of Charge Exchange on Spectral Line Intensity of Multicharge Ions in Plasmas"
Lyudmila Bureyeva, Scientific Council on Spectroscopy of the
RAS, Russia
"Effect of Innershell Ionization on the Linear Polarization of Se XXV Lines"
Douglas H Sampson, Pennsylvannia State University, USA
"Measurement of polarization of atomic helium lines due to strong caviton fields caused by IREB-plasma interactions"
Masayuki Yoshikawa, University of Tsukuba, Japan
"Theoretical development of x-ray line polarization spectroscopy: polarization database and influence of magnetic fields"
Alla Shlyaptseva, University of Nevada Reno, USA
"Determination of the line emission locations in the LHD on the basis of the Zeeman effect"
Motoshi Goto, NIFS, Japan
Richard More, NIFS, Japan
"Plasma polarization spectroscopy in the tandem mirror GAMMA 10"
Masayuki Yoshikawa, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Spectral Motional Stark Effect Measurements of Magnetic Field in Low-Field (< 0.5 T) Plasma Confinement Devices"
Daniel Den Hartog, University of Wisconsin, USA
9:00 - 10:50 Session I (Shlyaptseva, Baronova, Smith)
10:50-11:10 Break
11:10-12:10 Session II (Beiersdorfer, Reed)
12:10-13:45 Lunch
13:45-15:45 Session III (Kawachi, Fujimoto, Petrashen)
15:45-16:00 Break
16:00-17:30 Session IV (Baronova, Träbert, Neill)
18:00-21:30 Dinner at Garré Winery
Wednesday Talks
"X-ray spectropolarimetry studies at the Nevada Terawatt Facility and LLNL EBIT"
Alla Shlyaptseva, University of Nevada Reno, USA
"An X-ray polarimeter based on quartz crystal"
Elena Baronova, RRC Kurchatov Institute, Russia
"Measurement of the Polarization of the Kß2 Line of heliumlike V21+"
Augustine Smith, Morehouse College, USA
"Some problems with determing the polarization of H-like ions"
Peter Beiersdorfer, LLNL, USA
"Plasma polarization spectroscopy in an optical field ionization plasma"
Tetsuya Kawachi, JAERI, Japan
"Electron collisions of highly excited atoms:
Toward the population-alignment collisional-radiative model for recombining plasma"
Takashi Fujimoto, Kyoto University, Japan
"Quantitative spectropolarimetric sensing of the different ionized media"
Alexander G. Petrashen, St. Petersburg, Russia
"Characterization of large spherical crystals on optical contact"
Elena Baronova, RRC Kurchatov Institute, Russia
"Polarization studies in fast-ion beam spectroscopy"
Elmar Träbert, LLNL, USA
"Polarization measurements at EBIT using Calorimeter and Crystal Spectrometer data"
Paul Neill, University of Nevada, USA
The workshop dinner took place at the Garré Winery (18:00).
I would like to personally thank everyone who attended. The workshop was a success.
Peter Beiersdorfer